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潍坊VI设计 拥挤到一个较大的部分由于潍坊标志设计的空间。

weifangVIsheji yongjidaoyigejiaodadebufenyouyuweifangbiaozhishejidekongjian

来源:【人和时代・中国】vi标志设计公司 发布时间:2011-07-03 21:28:05 查看次数:

潍坊VI设计 拥挤到一个较大的部分由于潍坊标志设计的空间。While value is important, a UK food & drink brand that focuses on price alone cannot survive in a market where quality is king. 当价值是重要的,一个英国食品和饮料品牌,著重在价格无法独自生存在一个市场中质量为王。As such, Greggs is now choosing to emphasize the homemade nature of their food, much of which is made in-store. 这样,Greggs现在选择强调自制的食物的性质,其中大部分是由店内。Supermarket Wm Morrison recently found success by rebranding to emphasize the same attributes, which had the result of attracting higher income customers who can afford to buy more expensive, higher margin products.最近发现了超市Wm莫里森成功的重新定位强调相同的属性,结果吸引客户更高的收入可以买得起更加昂贵,利润的产品。

One interesting change that the company is making is a change in how queueing works in the stores. 潍坊VI设计一个有趣的变化,公司将如何改变在排队的作品,在商店。Many customers felt pressured by the old system, where customers had to wait in queue before seeing the selections and then quickly decide so the next customer could take their place. 许多客户感到迫于旧的系统,顾客不得不等待队列前看到的选择,所以就决定下一个顾客可以取代他们的位置。The new arrangement with cases pushed farther back will allow customers to see selections and make choices while they are waiting in line. 新的安排案例进一步推回来会让客户看到的选择和作出选择时,他们是排队。Another benefit is that there will be less crowding due to a larger section of waiting space.另一个好处是,将有更少的潍坊VI设计 拥挤到一个较大的部分由于潍坊标志设计的空间。

The GreggsGreggs的logo design潍坊标志设计is a good example of a successful food & drink logo.是一个很好的例子,一个成功的食品和饮料的标志。In bright and eye-catching colours with high contrast writing, the logo is highly recognizable and capable of maintaining power through changing times. 在明亮的颜色和高对比度和引人注目的写作,标志是高度可辨认的,并且有能力维持电力通过改变时间。It should be noted that this food & drink logo includes the old strapline, which likely will be quietly replaced with the new and improved one.应该指出,这种食品和饮料标志,包括旧这个专栏还可能平静替换新的和改进的一个。

The company has not yet indicated whether the Bakers Oven shops that it owns and operates will undergo similar branding changes. 公司还没有表明是否,面包师烤箱商店拥有并经营品牌将接受类似的变化。With more than 1,400 shops around the UK employing almost 20,000 people, the company may seem like a success story. 拥有超过1400家连锁店在英国周围雇用近20000人,公司可能看起来像是一个成功的故事。However, in many cases finding continued success means changing with the times. 然而,在很多情况下找到持续的成功意味着改变随着时代的发展而变化。Whether Greggs can reach out to an upscale market not known for its love of sausage rolls remains to be seen, but this rebranding will certainly keep the business relevant in years to come.Greggs是否也能接触到的一个高档市场不为人知的香肠卷它的爱还有待观察,潍坊但是这重新定位必眷顾业务相关的日子。

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.rhtimes.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )









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